The British Disabled Angling Association (registered charity 1074729) was founded in 1996 by Terry Moseley a veteran wheelchair user, who has amassed 45 years angling experience at International, National & club levels. His personal achievements include numerous titles for competitions, Angling Times "Dick Walker" award for services to angling, Gold National & Bronze International medals for England.
Over 20 years the charity has evolved from an unincorporated organisation in 1992 with just a few dedicated like minded followers, into the leading disability angling charity in Great Britain recognised & respected all over the world; from its humble beginnings it is now managed by a dedicated board of trustees & professional advisers, enabling them to deliver the charities aims & objectives all governed by its constitution to ensure BDAA help create fishing opportunities, inclusive angling environments & equality for disabled children and adults with an interest in fishing.
The volunteer trustees dedicate their time to providing support, information & services to disabled people, their families, fishery owners, clubs & retailers in order to socially integrate disabled and non-disabled people within angling. They have seen many positive changes over the years due to their commitment with a determination to making a difference.
Our projects involve improving access & facilities, disability awareness, adapting bespoke equipment, accessible fisheries directory and inclusion in the sport. They have seen a number of barriers removed through their work enabling more disabled people to enjoy angling.
Where we work
Our charitable working area prescribed by the charities commission is Great Britain; however the BDAA's professional advice and support has far exceeded these boundaries with requests for help and advice from all UK Nations, Europe and Internationally helping thousands of disabled people, planners, Governments and fishery owners to improve their accessible angling environments.
We never turn down a request for our help and advice, we have supported disabled anglers in South Africa, Spain, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Thailand, Cyprus, Canada, United States of America to name just a few. All of which have sought the advice of our years of experience in design and access project development or we helped them form a similar organisation in their own country.