Friends of the BDAA
Why not show your support by becoming "A friend of BDAA" this is not a membership as such, but simply a way to show that you support the work we do for disabled people, families, carers and improvement to the accessible environment.
By registering with us you will help to show in numbers the amount of people who support the work we do and actions we take in the name of disabled children and adults. Many organisations and funders rarely take notice of small individual groups of people, however those that can show they have the support of the public do get a powerful voice which can be heard in areas that will make a difference both now and in the future for those interested in bettering the lives of disabled people interested in angling.
Please fill in the form and we will get back to you as soon as we can or phone or email using the contact details below.
The charity can be contacted by phone, email or main office.
British Disabled Angling Association (BDAA)
9 Yew Tree Road
West Midlands
United Kingdom
e-mail : info@bdaa.co.uk
e-mail : terry@dbaa.co.uk