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find a fishery

Please enter the post code or select the county of the area you wish to visit then click search. Any fisheries found in your selected area will be displayed including their accessible facilities. If you have any specific requirements you can use the filter options to narrow down your list of fisheries.

Disclaimer - by entering the search section you understand that the information on our site is provided by the fisheries themselves, based on a series of questions about their access and facilities, we make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied that the content on our site is accurate, complete or up-to-date.

The Find a Fishery area is partly funded from the proceeds of angling rod licence sales in England, with a grant from the Angling Improvement Fund, supported by the Environment Agency.


Charity No: 1074729


9 Yew Tree Road
West Midlands

Web design by : Broadwave Limited