BDAA Trustees

The BDAA board of unpaid trustees is made up of a variety of dedicated people with a range of professional and essential life skills to ensure the charity can grow, deliver its aims and objectives whilst offering direction.

In addition we also have an executive committee, these people are made up of trustees and non trustees who combined ensure the charities day to day activities run smoothly. All the trustees and committee members are non paid volunteers donating their time to the benefit of the charity and those that directly and indirectly benefit from the charities work. The trustees are selected to offer not only business skills, but also their life experiences in disability; as a result 70% of the trustees are disabled people themselves.

Mr. Terry Moseley
Mr. Terry Moseley

Terry has been the President of the BDAA and main contact for the charity concerning projects and general enquiries, for 14 years. As a wheelchair user the president has worked in the field of disabled fishing & access for 30 years, a former match angler & member of the England International Fishing Team he has expanded his interest to include interest in game & sea fishing. Many of the projects, courses & publications that feature on the website were designed with him at the helm and delivered with his team of professional coaches.

Qualifications include: Level 3 Certificate in tutoring sport, Level 3 Introduction to Assessment Practice in Sport, Level 2 Angling coach, Access Auditor, Course trainer, Coaching disabled performers, Coaching disabled people, Disability awareness trainer, Contact

Mrs. Judy Brown
Mrs. Judy Brown

Judy is a professional accountant by trade having a background in bookkeeping and accountancy working with charities and businesses. An avid fly & coarse angler herself, she has the charity and its work at her heart & has been with the charity since its launch in June 1996.

Qualifications include: Accountancy, Coaching disabled performers, Access auditing, Contact

Mr. Rick Keeley
Mr. Rick Keeley

Has been voted chairman for the past 6 years due to the professionalism & generosity he has shown to the charity, the chairman is a match angler dedicated to a number of other sports clubs which he shows the same dedication. Although a business man he still ensures that he has time to help people where he can, offering help and support to anyone interested in fishing. Rick has brought many skills to the BDAA from his management skills through to angling and disability understanding which has held him in high esteem with the trustees since his appointment.

Qualifications include: Level 2 angling coach, Disability awareness, Â Contact

Mr. Carey Sutton
Mr. Carey Sutton

Once a general member of the charity, has now become an essential key to providing access through his knowledge and expertise in access advisory information and writing access audit reports, in addition Carey is a level 2 coach and part of the coaching team which delivers angling tuition across the UK.

Qualifications include:Level 2 angling coach, Level 2 Dreamstore coach, Access auditor, Coaching disabled people, Disability awareness Contact

Mr. Gary Rodriguez
Mr. Gary Rodriguez

Gary joined BDAA to enjoy the activities and competitions as a member and recently become a board member enhancing the teams experience and expertise in the field of disability. Gary is dedicated to the coaching team and deliverer of the charities various courses.

Qualifications include: Level 3 Certificate in tutoring sport, Level 3 Introduction to Assessment Practice in Sport, Level 2 Angling coach, Coaching disabled people, Access advisor, Coaching disabled people, Disability awareness, Course trainer. Contact

Mr. Mark Bowell
Mr. Mark Bowell

An original member of the charities board of trustees and has dedicated his time in the past to running events, coaching, access auditing and general advisor for the charity, now taking a back seat in the daily work but still constantly involved with the monitoring of the charities work.

Qualifications include: Level 2 angling coach, Access auditing, Coaching disabled performers, Coaching disabled people, Disability awareness

Mr. Geoff Evans
Mr. Geoff Evans

Original member of the charities board of trustees is involved with coaching events as part of the dedicated team, Geoff works as a volunteer with other disability groups and is a match angler.

Qualifications include: Level 2 angling coach, Coaching disabled people, Disability awareness.

Mark Owen
Mark Owen

Mark owns Teglan coarse fishery, located in mid Wales he has designed and managed his fishery with an inclusive approach, in addition Mark is the director of a successful award winning Wheelchair company "Nomad". As a full time wheelchair user as a result of a motorcycle accident, he has taken the positive approach to life and achieved many things which as non disabled person he may never of contemplated.

Qualifications include: Access auditing, Disability awareness training.

Mr.David Owen
Mr.David Owen

David is the father of Mark, the father and son team have managed the fishery in mid Wales since the early 1990`s. David has devoted his life to the development of the fishery ensuring that everyone who visits has equal opportunities.

Mrs. Mary Moseley
Mrs. Mary Moseley

The wife of Terry, Mary has devoted much of her trustee time to supporting the charity in numerous ways, it is said that behind every leader there is a great wife and there is no difference within BDAA. The team supporter for most of the events and coaching days, she has ensured the events run smoothly in the background.

Qualification include: Access audit training, Disability awareness, Coaching disabled people.

Mrs. Lynsey Lewis
Mrs. Lynsey Lewis

Lynsey handles all of the charities database information, communicates with the volunteers, collates various types of information for the charity. Her experience as a secretary for a building firm gives her the necessary skills to ensure information is easy to access for the trustees and executive committees.

Qualifications include: NVQ 3 & 4 in business administration, RSA stage I, II, III, Clait, and Audio Typing, AAT Accounting Technician


Charity No: 1074729

9 Yew Tree Road
West Midlands

Web design by : Broadwave Limited