Tucking Mill

Tucking Mill Lane

Main Facilities

  • parking Parking
  • disabled toilets Disabled Toilets
Tucking Mill

Fishery - Fishing Types: Coarse

Tucking Mill is owned by Wessex Water, it is located two miles south of Bath between Monkton Combe and Midford; the pond is open to disabled anglers only and is free to fish, Each disabled angler may bring along a non disabled assistant who can also fish from the same platform. There are 24 swims on site, six of them have specially designed wheelchair platforms large enough to provide space for two wheelchairs.


Entrance  Entrance

Gated Access

Car Parking  Car Parking

A main car park is available

Pathway Surfaces  Pathway Surfaces


Pathway Gradients  Pathway Gradients

Some gentle gradients or slopes

Pathway Gates/Barriers  Pathway Gates/Barriers

There are some gates/barriers along the access route

Pathway Footbridges  Pathway Footbridges

There are no footbridges to cross along the route

Buildings  Buildings

There is no Cafe
There is no Shop
There is no Shelter

Toilets  Toilets

No toilets on-site
Unisex disabled toilets available

Showers  Showers

No showers on-site
No disabled showers on-site

Changing Rooms  Changing Rooms

No changing rooms

Fishing Platforms  Fishing Platforms/Areas

Single fishing platform/areas
Double fishing platform/areas
Specifically designed disabled fishing areas

Group Fishing Areas  Group Fishing Areas

No - large group platforms/areas

Bivvie Areas  Bivvie Areas

No bivvie areas

Boats  Boats

No standard boats available

Wheelyboats  Wheelyboats

No wheelyboats available

Additional Services  Additional Services

Assistance / Guide Dogs Welcome

Location Map


Charity No: 1074729


9 Yew Tree Road
West Midlands

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