Fir Tree Fishery

Fir Tree Fishery, The Nook, Appley Bridge

Main Facilities

  • parking Parking
  • bait shop Bait Shop
  • disabled toilets Disabled Toilets
Fir Tree Fishery

Fishery - Fishing Types: Coarse

Fir Tree Fishery creates new opportunities for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups who have not been able to participate in outdoor enrichment activities due to a lack of disabled facilities and support. Much of the work we do involves delivering outdoor education, enrichment and rehabilitation programmes for young people not in education, employment or training, young offenders and young people in looked after and protected care. These young people study for alternative BTEC qualifications focused around assisting people with disabilities. This involves the learners planning, marketing and then delivering community angling events for the local stroke and brain injury charities we support allowing these individuals with physical disabilities to engage and enjoy new opportunities. These events are so important because we have found them to break down barriers and stereotypes that can often exist between different generation and individuals of different abilities. We have witnessed it first hand develop new relationships between the young people and the members they support.


Entrance  Entrance

Open Access

Car Parking  Car Parking

A main car park is available
Disabled parking areas are available

Pathway Surfaces  Pathway Surfaces

Pathway Gradients  Pathway Gradients

Some gentle gradients or slopes

Pathway Gates/Barriers  Pathway Gates/Barriers

There are no gates or barriers along the access route

Pathway Footbridges  Pathway Footbridges

There are no footbridges to cross along the route

Buildings  Buildings

There is no Cafe
Shop available but it has no disabled access
There is no Shelter

Toilets  Toilets

Unisex standard toilets available
Unisex disabled toilets available

Showers  Showers

No showers on-site
No disabled showers on-site

Changing Rooms  Changing Rooms

No changing rooms

Fishing Platforms  Fishing Platforms/Areas

Specifically designed disabled fishing areas

Group Fishing Areas  Group Fishing Areas

No - large group platforms/areas

Bivvie Areas  Bivvie Areas

No bivvie areas

Boats  Boats

No standard boats available

Wheelyboats  Wheelyboats

No wheelyboats available

Additional Services  Additional Services

Angling Coaches Available
Disabled Angling Competitions
Volunteer Programmes Available

Location Map


Charity No: 1074729

9 Yew Tree Road
West Midlands

Web design by : Broadwave Limited